Grant Writing
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BS Africa Limited Business School Foundation Course in Grant Writing Health Facility January 2021 ...
Advanced Grant Writing
BS Africa Limited Business School Advanced Course in Grant Writing 2021 Online _____________________________________________________________________________________ Course Instructor: David Addo-Yobo (ACCA) _____________________________________________________________________________________...
Intermediate Course in Grant Writing
Course Description: This project-based course covers the complete process of grant proposal development: identification of an achievable and fundable project, research and assessment of...
Thank you for the opportunity
Thanks for the feedback
You are welcome
Thanks for the opportunity and very glad to be part of this course
Very exited for the opportunity given
Excited to hear from you as well
Great opportunity
Great opportunity to be part of this online course
Thank you for the opportunity given to learn and support my institution in the area of Grant proposal writing.
just joint but this is exciting
Nice content. Looking forward to exciting interactions.
Grateful heart!
Grateful for the opportunity to be part of this course.
am glad to here.
am glad to be here
Thanks for the privilege
Good to note, very expectant.
Good one there
working on it
Well structured course. Glad to be part of this family.
working on it
I am very glad to be part of this team in developing grand proposal writing
Good morninig
Great opportunity to be part of important course
This was good and worth it. I am glad to be a part of this course.
Thank you for the opportunity
Am previlaged to be part of this course. So great
Have acquired adequate skills, knowledge and Experience on Research proposal grants.
Thank you
well noted
Great experience, how do I get my certificate
Am so grateful to be part of this course….. Great experience
Am so grateful to be part of this course…Great opportunity.
Great Videos and am grateful to be part of this family with great opportunities.
It is a great opportunity to be part of this course.